Sunday 15 July 2007

Save water by using a "navy shower"

The "navy shower", or "sea shower", is a way conserving water (and energy) while taking a shower. The basic steps are:

1. turn on the water
2. immediately wet the body
3. turn off the water
4. soap up and scrub
5. turn the water back on and rinse off the soap

The total water flow time should under 2 minutes or so and beats standing in buckets like some people I know. I believe the girls at the MLC Marshmead camp developed even more extreme water management techniques someone may care to comment on!

Navy showers originated on naval ships, where supplies of fresh water were often scarce. [From Wikipedia]

1 comment:

La rojita said...

Indeed - Marshmead water saving techniques included using the cold water from the bucket under the shower to wet our hair before turning the shower on as well as using this water for cleaning (though not cooking).

Also, limited toilet flushing - it is possible and saves a huge amount of water. We got down to 33 litres of water per person per day. Thats not a lot of flushes!